Types Of Push Ups You Need To Be Doing
.Want To Know The Best Types Of Push Ups You Can Do To Build Your Chest? Good, You Have Come To The Right Place!
There are so many different types of push ups you can do there is no way you could ever get bored with creating bodyweight chest workouts. The types of push ups you can do will for sure add in the muscle confusion element and give you great results. You can do plyometirc push ups, static push ups, different arm and hand placement push ups, the list goes on and on. In this post, I will go over some of my favorite types of push ups you can do as well as create a push up workout out for you.
The Types Of Push Ups That Work The Best
I have been doing push ups for years. The great thing is, it seems almost daily that people create different types of push ups and post them around the Internet. This has helped me keep energized to do hundreds of push ups a week with loads of variety. Here is a short list of the types of push ups that I know for a fact will get you great results. These three types of push ups are the foundation for all other types of push ups:
Standard Push ups
Yeah I know pretty boring, but standard hand width and normal tempo push ups are the baseline for the types of push ups you can do. You should always do these, especially for a warm up set before you get into the more advanced types of push ups. From this base, you can switch hand positions to narrow, wide, diamond, off set, plank, and so on. You can adjust your body to do decline push ups, incline push ups, standing hand push ups. As long as you are creative or simply go to Youtube, you will not run out of the types of push ups you can do.
Plyometric Push ups
These types of push ups I love, exploding up and leaving the ground when you do them. These are challenging, fun and you can create different types of these as well. You can do the clapping plyo push ups, the airborne plyo push ups, the double and triple clap push ups, and so on. These will be the catalyst for your chest development.
Static Push Ups
Static push ups or isometric push ups are brutal. If you simply hold your position for at least 20 seconds you will no doubt feel the burn and your arms will begin to shake like crazy. These types of push ups will really target the dense muscle fibers in your chest.
[Note: I am not a big fan of the guy's commentary, but hey he does do a good job showcasing a great variety of types push ups you can do.]
Now that you know the types of push ups that are the foundation to all of the others and have also watched 50 different types of push ups its time that you give the workout below a try. Do not do this workout more than 3 times per week. Your muscles need to repair. You can also read this great post I did on the best upper bodyweight workout.
Here is just an example of the types of push ups you can do in a given workout. The workout below will have you doing a total of 200 push ups, with different types of push ups. I bet you anything this will challenge even the most advanced.
Perform 25 regular push ups
Perform 25 narrow push ups (arms touching sides)
Perform 25 wide arm push ups
Perform 25 diamond hand placement push ups
Perform 25
Try This Fast and Effective Push Up Routine
Here is a quick push up routine you can do anywhere at any time.
For 1 minute do regular push ups at normal speed.
For 1 minute do slow push ups. Count to 4 on the way down the back up to 4 one the way up (to make it harder use a narrow arm position).
For 20 seconds hold in plank position with your chest almost touching the ground. The next 20 seconds static hold half way up in the push up position. For the last 20 seconds hold 3/4 of the way up.
for 1 minute do as many plyo push ups as you can.
Repeat this bodyweight workout 3-5 rounds.
Have at it!
Repeat this workout
For 1 minute do regular push ups at normal speed.
For 1 minute do slow push ups. Count to 4 on the way down the back up to 4 one the way up (to make it harder use a narrow arm position).
For 20 seconds hold in plank position with your chest almost touching the ground. The next 20 seconds static hold half way up in the push up position. For the last 20 seconds hold 3/4 of the way up.
for 1 minute do as many plyo push ups as you can.
Repeat this bodyweight workout 3-5 rounds.
Have at it!
Repeat this workout